All of you that follow me in Instagram know that I do large weekly, bi-weekly giveaways, depending on the season. The closer to the holidays, the more I love to share what I have. Some of you are super loyal at commenting and sharing that you have won multiple times... nope this is not rigged, it is why I use a program to keep track of all the points you incur, even with a tie like last week, it will randomly pick the winner of the 4 people that tied. Tons of ways now to enter and earn points daily.

There are going to be things inside that I am not showing in the photos as with anyone that wins can tell you, there is way to much to shoot.

I am going to start this all off with a Martha Stewart Basket - Great for Closet organization

Then I am adding in the first of two Surprise Gifts - This one is Valued at over $500

Then I added another Surprise Gift and a Super Soft Rae Dunn DREAMER Blanket

Surprise # 3 A Beautiful Piece of Fine Jewelry

Rae Dunn Car Air Fresheners

Rae Dunn Kitchen Towel Set and Hand Soap

Farmhouse Style Tea Towels - Two

Rae Dunn 6 Piece Mini Utensil Set

Brie Cheese Baking Dish

Rae Dunn Drink Coasters

Rae Dunn HELLO SUMMER Ceramic Mug

Adkins Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Dessert Bars

Rae Dunn Ankle Socks

Big Bananas and Confetti Gum Drops from the Candy Club

And Much Much More!!!!!
To Enter, follow this link and do everything it allows you to do. Everything has a point value and certain things can be done daily, like tagging 3 friends can be done daily. Commenting on a Website Post can also be done daily and both of those are the largest points as they take the most effort to do.
Enter HERE
Winner Announced Next Tuesday 6.21.2022
#giveaway #giveawaytime #giftboxgiveaway #raedunngiveaway #homegoodsgiveaway #homegoodsobsessed #homegoodslover #ladyfalconcoffee #contest #contestgiveaway #coffeegiveaway #coffeemakergiveaway #porterlanehome #candygiveaway #disneygiveaway
This is an absolute NEED! I would love to win those surprises!! 🥳😍
I cannot even contain my excitement!!!
THIS is unbelievably amazing!! Fingers crossed on this one!!